General Purpose Lubricants - Lightweight petroleum based oil that lubricates the entire tool, reduces moisture & rust formation, prevents varnish. Use in Paving Breakers, Rivet Busters, Chipping Hammers, Rock Drills, Impact Wrenches, Grinders, Cylinders & Valves.
Cold Weather Anti Icing Lubricants - Environmentally safe, light viscosity, non-petroleum lubricant for all temperatures down to -20F. Prevents tool freeze ups, prevents rust. Modern updgrade to KilFrost and Tanner Gas.
Rock Drill Oils - Heavy weight thick lubricant for rock drill chuck areas. Best in warm weather.
Type: Airolene 8099020103
Grease - High quality grease developed for high pressure impact mechanisms as well as high speed bearings.
Chisel Paste - High compression grease developed for chisel lubrication during rock splitting.
Type: 3363091200
Air Tool Flush - High performance cleaning agent. Cleans dirt and dried grease from Paving Breakers, Rivet Buster, Chipping Hammers and almost all other air tools and valves.
Type: TX-TF001-B